Cold Nose English
I don't feel the need to comment on society; the flaws of our daily offerings. I can only ever comment on myself. I'm not frustrated that we can't go out. It's all a mindset, if I was ever in doubt. When you question if you know me, I'm not convinced I know myself. Life it seems is a mere journey through choices. Often times, things said and done - are filled with questions unto ourselves. Why did I get in that taxi and behave as I did? Why did I say that our love was not even real? How did I let you leave? I ruined it without sharing my truth. Saying goodbye, as much as it felt right at the time. It could have been more about lust, an image of a life lived out in luxury. That could be one thing I'll regret to the end - It wasn't the truth. It was said to set you free. I can't feel guilty for gifting you with happiness, despite the illusion of pain albeit initially. My words were knee-jerk. 'Cold Nose English' was the label that stuck. Not an ut...