3rd Draft - WFH and endless positive energy

Day 1 - working from the homestead. No need for inane commentary on social situations. We all know. We all breath the same air.

It might be hard to avoid negative news. Negative views and scary interactions. We have technology on our side, playing its part in living our lives.

As I've said far too often. Nothing I can say will ever be original. As with most of our spoken words, much if not - all is merely regurgitated.

I think we must just do our best to live life as safely as we can. Remain creative and inspired throughout. Hold on to hope. For it is our friend.

Stand up, stretch and massage your mind.

Writing is for the long haul and it's worth pursuing.

Third draft. It'll take as many drafts as it will take. Just know, that when you know you're finished. Well that's the time to waste some ink. Get it printed. Red pen, underline, hyphenate and add. Remove with a hand flick and a scribble of a biro. That section is unnecessary. Dylan sounds like a fool. He shouldn't. Move that there, cut it completely. Page 1 through 20 should establish the setting. Revert and convert that conversation, that sentence. Move it to page 33. It'll make more sense there.

Third draft, draft 3, chapter 1 - rename the chapter. Make it funny, make it less funny. How deep should it be? How dark can you go? what's the message anyway? Does there have to be one? It's story, not an after school special!

Title change hath cometh. It's a simpler way of endulging. It makes more sense and avoids any copyright. No namesake. No company association. I might own the domain. I do own the domain. Ya see, forever forward thinking.

160,148 words at present. By this draft that will either reduce or increase. It's growth is based on persistence and continuing improvement.

Could be two years in the making but it's making my creation.

Good to know you're all OK.

Until Next time...

Do Good Things.


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