
Showing posts from January, 2022

I Am A Writer!

It's as simple as sitting down and writing: I AM A WRITER! It's become my mantra. I write it down as if to visualise. I AM A WRITER! The emperor's new clothes. The tactic of manifestation. Whatever! It's working for me. I AM A WRITER! Regular early morrow routine. Alarm for 6AM, a good, focused 90 minutes of nonstop writing. Aided by tar black coffee in a dirty Denny's mug. I AM A WRITER! Headphones; the sounds of albums I've never heard. Today, was Brody Dalle, Diploid Love. It doesn't distract; as I can't sing along. I AM A WRITER! Music in my ears encourages a blinkered tunnel vision. Keep going until the end, as a basine minimum. I Write 1000 words. I AM A WRITER! I let it flow and that's that. Anything and everything over is a bonus. Shattered Vanilla, A Punk Rock Love Story is at 31,000 words. I AM A WRITER! Set myself a target. Something else I've written down. The end date is publsihing date. I AM A WRITER! There's work to do, but wit...