If I Had Breasts, I Could Get Them Out....
I'm not totally convinced that's the best or most creative way to build an audience. Would it though provide me with a means to encourage people to follow me? Are followers on any social media platform all that important? Is it not a case that the work should speak for itself?
I think ultimately it should. But, at the same time. If no one knows that the work, whether that be a song, poem or this novel exists. Then, other than my own end game, what would be the point in writing it if it means that no one is likely to read it?
A few years back and we'll probably talking around 18 years ago. I had a very trivial conversation with someone I used to work with. This was a fleeting job within retail. I had a colleague/friend who considered himself, like I did a film buff. He too said he liked to write screenplays. At the time, I said I had written a few scripts but I was far too scared or concerned that no-one would appreciate my words. Put simply and he mentioned it in jest but just said "That's the idea. Just lock them away and you'll never know." I can't even remember his name but honestly since that date. I write and once finished. I'm no longer worried about other peoples perception, opinions or the like. It's more a case that I've created something and if just one person appreciates it or enjoys it then it's worth the effort. So, to build an audience it's a process of continual growth.
I think I'm beginning to embrace the whole social media platform more. I'm a child of the 80's so grew up on Encarta 95. Having to sign the CD-ROM out in the school library. Then the introduction of the internet. I think we must have got it in our house in about 1998 with Windows 98. Not being able to use the phone at the same time someone was 'surfin'. I think we also had a monthly time limit. All down to Compuserve! The simplicity and romance of chat rooms and ICQ. Oh the days of ICQ! How they were simpler. I can still hear that little 'Oh-Oh' noise to let you know you had a new message. "Incoming Chat Request" and all that. Good times!
Obviously, then the introduction of Facebook. Although because I wasn't in University at that point ( Graduated ) just before it ( FB ) took off. Because you had to list a Uni or College. I could have lied but it was a basic and somewhat boring platform back then. I was actually a more active member of FaceParty - which from memory you could pay for which then entitled you to see explicit profiles. I didn't pay for the service but that was a feature of it. Not sure it still exists. Then it was on to Myspace in order to allow distribution of my music, which I did make use of with good results. Then eventually moved on to Facebook in about 2006. I'm therefore not scared of technology or the introduction or even the growing popularity of it. The shift if you wish to call it that to the influx of so many different platforms will be a natural one.
I would safely say though that my cross-platform use has been almost non-existent. So I would make use of Twitter to explain, reveal and share things that I had created on Myspace. But I had no real interaction with anyone specific on Twitter. It was more a blanket approach. I don't then think this is the best route to take, as it's so impersonal. I had success on Myspace, I think because I was early with it and I would actually engage with people. I still converse with people from that platform even to this day. Not through Myspace. I have no idea what happened to the poor little cherub.
For a long time, despite working within IT. I having been almost reluctant to make full use of all features of my iPhone. I'm coming to the realisation or I have now fully realised how special and important a tool this small device is. It's more than a phone. It's taken me a while to get on board with that. I used to work with a guy called Richard, who no joke did not have any mention of a phone. This was even at the peak of the Smart Phone boom. For that, his personal perspective I thought he was cool. Almost, a nomad. Living off the grid. He didn't live off the grid at all. He had a mortgage, a full time job, wife and kids all that jazz. I'm moving away from that mentality. It has taken a while. I think too that previously I may have been in relationships whereby, my partner was overly possessive or suspicious if I was constantly on my phone. I'm not necessarily blaming anyone but myself but I know that was a conscious thought of mine or a consideration. Because, obviously at the time I didn't want to be the direct cause of it's demise. Just because I was more interested in updating my status or sending a tweet. Thankfully my Wife though is more supportive and is completely on board with me writing and completing the story, she knows and sees it is something that I enjoy and am passionate about.
Moving forward, I know I need to almost keep updating anyone who may well be interested. As I said, it's a passion of mine and will become fruitful or more tangible when the real process begins. Any tenuous links contained in terms of my documenting the fact, are for reference from the outset. I hope they can potentially one day help or provide information on my process.
Thus far, it's like anything I put my mind to. I'm not procrastinating. I'm getting down and dirty into the story. I am completing at least 1 hour of writing a day. That isn't to say I 'down tools' when the hour is up. If it's flowing and I don't have other tasks to do I keep going. Not making excuses but I commute a long way and then have to eat. I could make more time. I'm trying to do just that but like anything it can be difficult. I suppose that's where the impatience comes in. I like all the note taking and pulling them all together. Finding the right points to add dialogue or development of characters. It is one big adventure. I'm in control of it.
I must say, I'm loving the process. Truly!
Until Next Time....
Do Good Things
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