It's about Camp!

I've got to the point now that I'm happy to share the setting.

It's based on a Children's Summer Camp in America. Set in the rolling hills of New York State.

I've decided to share this now; as at the moment Wattpad have a competition. I call it a competition but I consider most of Wattpad's 'competitions' - inverted commas! As mere inspiration. I think it's amazing how simple title or tasks set by the sites administrators or whomever makes the decisions is enough to allow people/aspiring writers to keep up the creativity.

In between my own writing. I love to read what everyone else is writing. The styles in use. Wattpad is a great place for that. I'm trying to be part of the community but as yet I'm trying to write more and more of my own story so with time in mind. I'll get to interaction at some point. I try to be encouraging.

Apologies, I'm going off on a tangent again.

So, this wattpad writing task is encouraging people to write about their travels. My first novel is based around the experiences I had on camp but also a large proportion of fiction. The setting is familiar so I'm using it. I guess I was originally afraid that someone would steal it. To be honest though. Anyone can use the location. It doesn't actually concern me all too much as this story is my story. My writing style is my own and so too are my characters. I can't remain too protective about things.

It's about time I gave more of myself to the art. Which is what I'm doing.

As such, I have written a submission for the above link. I consider this not my 'novel' and not what this blog is documenting. The submission is more arguably a sequel to the novel currently in progress. Because it flowed so easily and I enjoyed writing it so much. I intend to not only submit it to the competition ( which it is over in terms of word count ) but I will continue the story. I guess the first piece is 'chapter 1'. Washington DC - chapter 2.

That's the intention anyway. It will provide me a fun break from writing the main novel. I'm not procrastinating. This is really helping me. It's helping me be creative and it's inspiring me. Wherever that inspiration comes from I am asking no questions just embracing it.

This is my piece:

State Of Discovery - Dover Plains

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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