Pop Culture References..."That's Hot!"
It's amazing just how vividly I can remember a lot of the references that were seemingly fleeting and insignificant at the time, back in 2003. I remember the mentioning of 'Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix'. The book I mean. That was a big deal! Given the location, it was a huge deal. So too, was conversations about the first and second 'Harry Potter' films being released. Paris Hilton was being mentioned by so many people too. Well not necessarily her but the phrases she would use.
The story is based over the Summer of 2003. There were a lot of American voices, mainly females using "That's Hot!" all over the place.
The song that was constantly played through personal CD players was 'Eminem' - Lose Yourself. These were just some of the things that I can really remember so clearly.
The topic of conversations would be based around where people were from initially. Then it would move on to an almost separation between English folk and American. Among the English would be open conversations about 9/11 and what went on. However, Americans wouldn't broach the subject. The invasion of Iraq was a massive deal and I remember that being a topic of conversation around lunch tables which often encouraged heated debate.
Most people though wanted to and I think managed to actually escape much of the mention of politics. It became a different world. A lot of things were ignored. Other things became far more important. Microcosms of people. Fractions of friends. The job itself took over, the geography. Everything else. Peoples partners back at home. All the distance. Everything else became secondary.
I'm enjoying trying to remember a lot more of the finite detail. As I said, it's a work of fiction but it's nice to bring in a bit of reality and some of the details regarding discussions and nuances is helping the whole writing process.
I've added something in that completely took me by surprise. I never had the thought about it. It's just developed organically. I love, honestly can't get enough of my own 'writing mind' taking me one way and then the characters are discussing something and for a moment, an idea comes in and I begin to explore it. That's a real motivation. One of the reasons why I enjoy writing and why I'm enjoying writing this one so much.
Based on the story, there were opportunities to go to the Cinema and at the time. I know that I actually attended the premiere of Terminator 3. The minute I saw Arnie walk out of the bar at the start of the film ( much like he did in T2 ) and put on a pair of novelty sun glasses. I knew then this was going to be a complete load of shit. It was too! It looked like a TV movie and such a shocking one. So poor! It was before seeing this film that I went into a Kmart ( I'm talking as me here ) I purchased some cigarettes, Marlborough Lights. I had to show my ID etc. The girl who served me was shocked that I was in the town as it was in the middle of nowhere, well not quite but it was a small town. We had a conversation and it turned out she was originally from Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. She moved to this small town for some reason which I can't remember now. I want to incorporate this into the story. In reality, I took the cigarettes back into the store after smoking two in the car park and I offered her the packet. I could hear some of her English accent coming through. I'm not convinced if she was adapting it for my benefit or it was still there. I gave her the box of cigarettes for a reason that will become apparent. Basically, I couldn't keep them.I never saw her again. I can't remember her name. Despite her wearing a name tag. I can remember her voice and what she looked like. It amazes me how these people come in and out of your life but stay with you. She certainly did.
I will, I think when this is complete - try to detail more of the narrative. The premise, where it's based. The other characters. I'm just nervous or conscious that it isn't finished yet, far from it but I can't go sharing too much just yet. I hope these blogs aren't coming across as too vague.
Until next time....
Do Good Things
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