Short Story Submitted - The Fun Continues And Manifests In New Ideas

Productive to the point of entering the short story competition. It's a long while at the moment before it closes. I thought and considered not submitting it until closer to the time but I’ve completed it so not sure why else I'd delay in its submission. Put a lot of passion into it and research. We’ll see what comes of that. It - as I alluded to, gave me the opportunity to think about another set of characters, setting and time. So it was good to stretch myself. It’s important to me to continue to write, whether it was that short story, exploring other ideas and making a note of them but obviously and most importantly to continue to write the novel. I still like exploring the thoughts. Read, write and read as much as possible - all writing available really.
I still write on my computer. I find it distracting to write with a pen. I like the connection between my mind and the words on the paper but it’s more long winded than typing. I mean I can type relatively quickly so it doesn’t take as long. I may test that again though, see if I get a different sensory result from hand writing into a leather bound book. I think the approach does set something off within me. I might pursue that further. I'll try to document how that goes.
Thus far, the story is moving well but I have recently stagnated slightly as I’m stuck on a current situation or the setting. I think it may mean that I either cut it short or move on as if I can’t expand or progress the story it can’t be all that interesting. The rewrite and reread will soon tell me but I’ll crash through it. It is making me second guess it but I think what certainly is evident in writing this, particularly for me is... I seem to have these strange ups and downs. One day, boom! It’s amazing, the next it’s slightly more hard work and it'll drag. I’m not clear whether that is based on the characters involved. The dialogue or what? Generally, I’m a very productive, positive person so to be stifled or slowed down by a tough writing session is....well tough. Maybe that's just the journey. We'll see.
It is stagnating at the moment but I had another idea off the back of this particular chapter. So, I've noted it down and I'll come back to it later. It's almost as if this one story is multiplying into a whole host of others. It's as if I'm creating an entirely separate world to that which already exists. 

That part remains fun and something that I'm not entirely convinced I'm controlling. A strange feeling but I'm embracing it.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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