20 Whole Minutes - The Clock Doth Tick

Welly welly well. I have 20 whole English minutes to update this blog. Now 19! Oh my days. Life certainly does fly by.

I haven't updated this of late due to the fact that I have started a new job this week. Similar role that I was doing previously just within a different company. Same, if not maybe a bit longer commute. You can expect 1 hour 15 mins to get there. I think it's a fair sacrifice.

It does leave me with a very strict time schedule in order to write, maintain everything and live a little life too. I don't worry too much about how long this ( novel ) will take. I just know that as long as it continues to progress, then that's fine as it won't stall and I'll be further along than if I was to start this two years from now. Work in progress.

Best advice, start your story. Write some words and they'll create themselves.

I did adapt and add to the narrative with a good sequence ( well in my opinion ). I'm doing more exploring within the characters. It may lead one way. I thought Dylan would be involved in a certain person but it's changing. I don't want to give away too many details as the story I believe will be affected if you were to read it. So I'll leave it with this enigmatic captain mysterio language.

I try to make these blogs as informative as I can, sprinkle in some encouragement too. I continue to have this need to read 'Perks Of Being A Wall Flower' I know I've mentioned it before but it's soooooo good. The film I mean, but I want to read the book. I just got hold of two books on NLP and other ( self help ) books. I love topping up. There aren't many that I've read more than once. I do enjoy the tone of Gary Vaynerchuk's books and Tony Robbins. I would encourage anyone to 'Sharpen The Saw' to coin a phrase - just keeps you fresh.

Oh Brian By-The-Way. I believe the tap is now water tight. Ever have an issue, make use of a new 'olive' ( You're not alone ) and ample PTFE tape. Worked wonders!

I'm going to get back to this chapter.

Things are busy at the moment. I'm not living a life on a beach with chicks, Surf N Turf or any of that business - no lies or posturing here
. Just having to get things done. It's all a challenge and so much fun. So I'm not complaining.

All righty roo roo. Must dash.

Stay creative. One and every all!

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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