Happy Consumer, We're Just Happy Consumers
As it's Black Friday today. I wish you all the wonder in the world of worlds. Make it what you want. I'm obviously English. In fact, I'm not entirely sure that is English, I mean obvious. If I had more sense I would have edited that out But I made the mistake so left it in. Some of the spellings you have been made used to may have pointed that out from previous little bloggy blogs.
Anytoot, Black Friday it is or Black Friday all week if you're an Amazon fiend. It's grown in popularity over here so get your credit card out and enjoy or something. Still got cyber Monday to go too.
"We're just Happy Consumers!" If you're not familiar that is a nod to the genius Bill Hicks. Check him out if you're not for any reason.
I find it difficult to express aloud in real life the fact that I write or I'm writing a novel. I honestly don't know why I find it difficult to articulate. I've been searching my mind. I think in a sense it strikes me as too personal. I don't tend to share all that much about me. A part of me really wants to create some video content to support this. Truly document my progress and how I approach everything with the view to help others.
I might get round to it. It could be fun. I think though I need to get out of this faceless hiding behind words thing. If that is even a thing. I'm interested in being more involved within a writing community. Not sure if that means getting involved in a workshop or what really. I think I need to learn to be more open about writing though.
It should not be something I feel the need to hide or am not overly confident about. I am confident and happy with what I'm creating. It's sharing that with 'real' people. Have to remove judgement or the worry about peoples judgement. I do try or think that way, generally but in reality I should be able to shout and scream my intentions and all that I'm doing. I'm getting there.
Hopefully you too don't have that sensation. If you do, be humble but share when someone shows an interest.
Liking all the words.
Until Next Time...
Do Good Things
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