No Need For Speed.....Slow

I need to slow down, only slightly. I guess I'm like anyone becoming or growing ever impatient. It's not a case that I want to just finish this. I want it to read the way I intended. Maybe it's the rush of life. Reality takes hold of you and really shakes the shit out of you.

I almost compare it to the song 'Black Velvet' - You probably, more than likely know the song. But, if I was to ask you who sang that?  I doubt very much you'd be able to tell me it was Alannah Myles. Sing it to Alexa and she'll surely know. It may share the same or similar drum beat to Michael Jackson's 'Bad' but it exists in it's own entirety.

I'm not sure and I'm certainly not promoting it. It may well be the Long Island Iced Tea talking and I'm not even trying to rhyme but I'm almost growing ever more frustrated with being a faceless entity. There's a comfort to me that no one knows me. I can exist in the 'real world' inverted commas and no one is any more aware. Then all of a sudden the sense of fading into the background strikes me like the fist of Mike Tyson. Words and voices fill my lips. This is not me talking. This is not what I want to say. You can imagine Paul Simon singing and Chevy Chase delivering his words.

I would not consider myself mental. What is mental? I think this novel, like my words, poems or songs are really just a stilted expression of who I am. In general, I am relatively quiet. In public I guess you could call or describe me as submissive. I don't agree for the sake of it. Not at all. I have my own mind and I'm confident with it. I'm not a big fan of conflict but I know what's right.

I have integrity. I have a soul. I am a good person. I am the chorus of a number one hit. I behave the way you should ultimately behave. Nothing but good. I perform in no way that makes me feel guilty. In writing this novel, I am searching myself. I am examining what makes me human. The things that I want to hide. The things that make me anything but who I am. Honesty is truly what allows and manifests humanity. Personality, whether you take me or leave me is your decision. The drum beat may flourish with persistence but I know that in conclusion and round and again. I will not and shall , not negatively, purposely or otherwise impact your life with lies. I have a conscious. I like eating fish. Drinking apple cider vinegar. If only for the sense or perception of inner most cleansing. I am who I am.

Allow me to challenge all that you think. I allow you to challenge me. I like a conversation. I recall times from the past where during a smoking session. I would embark upon fundamental questions about life and living. Relationships and communication. You can ignore me and watch Holbey City. Whether or not that affords you enrichment is beyond me. I would estimate that it likely won't. Encouragement to listen to Billy Bragg is something that I would push. To have and to have not is something I may not be able to comment upon.

Be true to yourself and all that become.

The lemon in my drink stops the bitter within. It's time now to cook, so allow me to begin.

If you have any interest in what I write. Get to know me as I'm interesting beyond protest.

At no point will I alienate you or make you feel as if you don't matter. In my mind, you do! Be yourself,

For now, Until Next time....

Do Good Things!

Muchos Love to y'all.

My name is Neil Hall. Otherwise known as Tall Blue Midget. Make me whom you want me to be. I intend to be nothing but me.

Mwah X 


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