Poetry Dot Com - The International Library Of Poety

Who remembers this!?!

 I literally just found this book from 2003.

I remember constantly receiving mail from the this company, branding itself as 'The International Library Of Poetry'  I must have signed up for something online. This was back in the day when there was only really ICQ and Myspace. It was a simpler time!

So, the above book was a product of constant snail mail. I eventually - being an aspiring poet and writer ( even back then ) I wrote a poem and submitted it. I forget much of the details but I honestly remember having to pay for the privilege to have my poem published. As you can imagine, I was oh so excited to receive it. All the way from the states. It arrived and to my complete surprise my poem was on the 1st page, after all the introductions etc.

I thought that was weird, that was the first flag. Some of the poems contained within were good but others were not at all thought through. In my opinion it seemed far too easy to 'get published'. It would transpire that whatever was written. As long as you paid and it was relatively expensive you would be published. It was like pseudo-publishing if that's even an expression. 

Along with the published book, which was all right quality I kept receiving invitations to a convention with the chance to meet other aspiring writers and you could win a certain amount of money in prizes. From the memory the letters always began with: ' You are cordially invited......'
I wish I still had some of them. Most, if not all of them went in the bin. It seemed more and more like a scam. I can't imagine what went on at the 'conventions'. Probably like a time share. Maybe one of those garages in London back in the 80's where as a kid we'd go and be 'locked in' and all these guys would be selling radios and other electronics for a tenner. I can't remember what market or area that was, maybe Brick Lane, honestly not sure.

I don't know other peoples experiences of this company/establishment was. I'm sure they made a lot of money. I think since that experience which was ultimately a negative one. I just wrote for myself and never did anything with it. Almost fearful to be 'ripped' off again. When I finish this novel. I vow I won't be paying anyone for the privilege to have this published. Assuming in the vain hope that it might be published that is. If not, I'll do it myself. I think that's why I keep putting out random words, poems and the other such instagram directed posts just to be creative.

Yesterday was a good writing day. I really did get a lot done. Today, not so much. Under the sink, started to leak. Yup, it was a long arse day of spanners, and PTFE tape. The joy! More writing tomorrow though!

Life gets in the way!

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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