Replace The Taps. How Life Gets In The Way!

It could be a menial task or something slightly more involved.

Yesterday, I had the intention to get some solid writing completed. Looked forward to it, sit down head in it for as long as possible. Then.... 'Bam! bitch went down'. Decided it was necessary to fix a dripping tap in the kitchen. It was becoming slightly irritating.

The fixing of said dripping tap turned into an all day job. Purchasing limescale remover, two trips to Toolstation. Firstly, to buy a new mixer tap by 'Franke' which wasn't cheap either. Needed to get the necessary and appropriate tools for the job too. The Halfords tool set I purchased about fifteen years ago just wasn't cutting it. I still have the claw hammer in it with the bent end because I removed my car battery from 'Sarah'. My white VW Polo, 1992 - K Reg I'll have you know. Ripped out the battery, sheer brute force and still have the memories to prove it in the bending of this hammer.

Second visit, had to purchase some 15mm male compression connector. The pipes on the new tap were not the same as the old. Using that PTFE tape to bind the thread and create a water tight join. Now now don't be impressed. I may well sound like I know what I'm talking about. I really don't! Plus, I won't begin to pretend. I had to 'Youtube' and Google the back end of Martine McCutcheon out of the subject to even know what I had or was expected to do. More impressed am I with the fact that I took a punt at Martine's name and I think that's right. So, I'm not even going to check the spelling.
Weird that, how some things just stay with you. I remember going to a pub quiz in High Wycombe. Well, I think it was Penn or something just outside. One of the questions was 'What is Curly Watts real name?' From nowhere, like an epiphany 'Kevin Kennedy' popped into my mind and leaked from my lips. We actually won that quiz. Probably £20 each and a bottle of wine or something. Those were the days. Anyway, I digest. ( Don't correct me, obviously deliberate ) long end of the story short. Turned the water back on, fitted the taps, cleaned everything up. The 'water tight' join is not all that water tight. Needs a little more attention but the Ikea tupperware pot is only filling up with a casual drip so that'll do for now.

It's sooooo annoying how things, life gets in the way. I swear I could be prolific if I didn't have to 'work' or had all this crazy shit going on. Though, I guess that's what this journey is....having to make time for the passion in your life around the necessary tasks. It's whether later that day you decide to have a Long Island Ice Tea and watch Reservoir Dogs or you sit down and write. I will openly admit, I went for the first option. I feel guilty but no joke. This tap fun started at 11am and went on til 4.30PM ( I'm on holiday - with the idea to write ) I suppose with that idea in mind, to get loads of writing completed that's what makes me feel more disappointed in what was a 'wasted writing day'. I am back on it today but it pained me yesterday that I had to drag myself away from it. The journey continues!

Life can really get in the way. The days though are long and it is a choice you make as to whether you maintain your passion or let it slide. You can take a day off but be prepared to feel like you're letting yourself down. It's like that irrational thought of going to the gym most days and when you miss one session you're convinced you can feel fat on your legs. The habit takes over. That isn't to say that I'm conscious of weight. You know what else I am beginning to detest or think more about is the impact that words or sentences may have on others and their interpretation of me. I think the minute you start making things 'friendly' or too 'PG' for an audience, the minute you lose your identity. If anyone reads this and I mean ANYONE...I jest ( thanks to all that are already taking an interest ) and is offended that I bought taps from Toolstation as opposed to Screwfix or I mentioned Martine McCutcheon in the same sentence as 'back end'. I can't be all that worried. Any justification I feel isn't needed. That's the same way that I am approaching the writing of this novel. I'm just writing. I can't imagine Henry Miller or Vladimir Nabokov were all that concerned about writing words for popularity. More for the need to write their stories. If people were on the train with them or watching it fly by, they completed their goal. Can't begrudge them that!

Right, so hopefully no more boring tap related fun or other unnecessary DIY tasks. I can get on with writing. You're distracting yourself writing this. No no no I say, this is my Melba toast to my main meal!

No procrastination here! Honestly, there isn't.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things



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