What if...If Only...One Day......

Let us face it and be honest when we say it.... there are going to be obstacles every step of the way with this, my endeavour or even your own challenge. Whatever it is you've decided to embark upon you've at least started. Quite possibly the most difficult hurdle.

It's made ever more easier if you're doing something that you enjoy and that you're happy to do. Writing really does do it for me. I go somewhere. It is like meditation. I can be sat here and I'm not sure if it's me filling the page ( screen in this case ) or what's happening. I will literally be aware that my mind is exploring, for example a character and their thoughts or even their speech and all of a sudden a whole scene is created. I don't mean to say or have this interpreted as 'free writing' it isn't that...I'm conscious of what I'm writing but not fully 'thinking' about it. It's a strange sensation. I almost allow myself to 'trust' in what it is that I'm writing. Like so often I've said, it may be the case of sitting down for two hours. Writing what I believe to be perfect prose without pretension and when I go back over it and read it......needless to say that it isn't all that great. That's though when you can go over it and potentially make use of what you have written, for want of  better phase..... to 'save' it.

You can spend your days submerged in social media and worry too much about 'what if, if only or one day'. "What if I had bigger breast?!? Maybe I would have more instant gratification from people following me." "If only I had six pack abs, I'd get more likes" "One day I'll create something."

I wouldn't and don't personally worry about any of that business. Obviously there are people who create things for the wrong reasons to become an 'over night' success. You can increase popularity through cheap obvious tactics but at the end of everything. Are you creating something that is your creation, true to you and yours? If the answer to that question is simply "Yes." Please then don't worry about showing the shaft of your penis, the crack of your arse or the curvature of your breasts. Take your time, do what's right and 'If you build, he will come!'.

It can be all so revealing, being emotive and being yourself. More often than not and this clearly isn't a general rule but the people I've met who consider themselves 'writers' will not openly say they're writers but given the opportunity to read the words they compile. I would describe them as.....not only writers but great writers! There is a level of humility with most people. #Empty vessels make the most noise'.

The world is full of those that consider themselves an authority. Be your own authority. Don't be judged unless it's you doing the judging. Your opinion is by far the most important. It's YOUR creation. Live it.

In conclusion, I would certainly encourage all that you do. Feel nothing but the good and remain productive. I have no clear goals for today. Other than to say, I will create, paint and fill this world with my own words. My own story and that will make my day.

If you're distracted by Black Friday sales, then that's OK. If you wanna watch Netflix, then that's OK. If you want to spin some records - then that's your choice. Take some time for yourself, let yourself grow. Don't forget what it is you've started. If you've finished, start another.

It's a process of continual growth.

Until next time...

Do Good Things!


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