Daily Struggle - Sean Da Paul

It can be tough to maintain the creativity. Perhaps that's incorrect. The creativity is not tough but the implementation of that creative thought can be difficult. As the prophet and title suggests Sean Paul or ' Sean Da Paul' explores all too often ( I include that with an element of sarcasm, as much as I did enjoy Dutty Rock ) life certainly is a 'Daily Struggle'. Full of distractions. The need for prioritization.

The Distraction Of A Christmas Tree

At this time of year you'll have so many more requests and demands placed upon you. Christmas work parties, family gatherings and wintry inspired evening readings of the next installment of your favourite literary work. None of the above have to or even should be ignored. In fact, it's more than important to indulge yourself,friends, family and significant other.
You may just have to sleep less. A small price to pay. It is so so important to continue your creative endeavours. Certainly with writing. I find it helps keep the story stay fresh in my mind. Updating the words daily, means I don't need to re-read pages and pages again and again to remind myself of where I am in the story.

Moreover, concentrating on one story at a time doesn't lead to confusion. All the focus is centred on the narrative. I am consumed by the characters, living with them and expanding it.  It helps me anyway. I find as soon as I step back or leave the story for more than a day. I have to almost put double the work in to continue from where I left off.

Don't get me wrong I too have my weaknesses. I have had days where for one reason or another I miss a day. The guilt I feel though is crazy and often not worth it. It helps me in terms of my own sanity to stay focused. I even feel guilt if I miss an update to this blog. I attempt to do this daily too. It may not be of interest to anyone or many. For those that do read this. I hope you gain something or share some of my musings and experiences in your own. Further on that, if you do. Don't be a stranger. I would welcome any communication, start a dialogue. I hope one day this may potentially help or at least encourage others to write. It's useful to me, even to document the progress and documenting the journey. Trying to be honest throughout and avoid any arrogance and inform on the pitfuls. Furthermore the challenges I face or have faced.

I also consider when it is one becomes an authority or authoritative voice. I imagine it is with time and evidential accomplishment. Is it though, in terms of prolific distribution of works?Is volume important? Are you a trusted advisor with sales? Is truth and honesty enough? At this stage I feel my own response to this question would  be 'no'. However, who can deny you your truth. Truth is constant. Perhaps it will just take time for that truth to be heard. Just keep chipping away and don't let the bastards grind you down.

Anyway, It is now time for me to live vicariously....'Dylan' is off to get drunk at the 'Barrel Bar'. Should be a good night. Doesn't end romantically. I blame the barman ' Dan' for not measuring any of the liquor.

Until Next time...

Do Good Things.


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