I Need To Be Assertive, Although I Don't Care Enough...

'Tis the seasn full of distractions. Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laaaaaah! It can really be tough at the moment. Time seems to melt away. I sit down with the best of intentions to get upward of 1,000 words completed. Sometimes it comes with the thunder. Other times, it can take pages and pages until I feel the force.
When it comes. I begrudge the distractions of the festive season. I know though how important the festive season is. Or how sentimental it can become. I know how or even appreciate how important time off is. I probably won't write Christmas day. Well, not formally anyway. I won't sit down with that intention. I'll continue the story in my head. It's hard not to.

I continue to fall upon writing prompts. I don't mean literally. I mean I keep seeing writing competitions. I would love to get involved. Not because I love to win or think I can win or anything of the sort. Just because it's another focused excuse to write. At the moment I am resisting. I really need to focus on my main story. This novel.

I'm almost shocked myself that I am still writing 'The Barrel Bar' chapter. Again, beautifully although in my head I had a clear idea of where it was going. It's built so much from a basic theme to just growing into this expansive world. It's grown so organically.

I was writing some notes up earlier. Didn't really require concentration. So, on Amazon video is a documentary about Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining'. Room 237. If you haven't seen or listened to it. You don't really need to watch it. I love the films of Kubrick. I love The Shining. The book and the film. Still got it on VHS. Amazing. I wouldn't though recommend this Room 237. I studied film studies at University. But this film or documentary is really reaching. It's a contextual analysis of the film but I swear the time the commentators have spent studying the film is completely unfounded. It just made me think people will read whatever they want into your work. It would be lovely if someone was to read my novel or anything that I create and have that whole interpretation of 'I think what he meant to say was....'

Yup, good luck with that. I mean really!

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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