It Happened Again But Writing Is Writing And Writing Is Good
I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to create a 'slight' story. I, again posted this one to Instagram. I won't include the link. If you're interested at all then there are ways to discover it. As much as I want to share it. At the same time I don't want to be 'pushing' things on people. Like I said, you want to find it - then you will.
Anyhoot, I was sitting, after I had finished writing it. I tried to go back over what I was feeling at the time of writing. Where the motivation was, where it was even coming from, if that's possible. The story certainly isn't autobiographical. None of what I had written ever happened to me. I'm not sure if it ever happened to anyone that I directly know. It's just that, a story. A work of fiction.
I began the first line with the idea in mind that it would be someone who was embarking on a relationship. Perhaps I should say, two people.
It's early days for them. I toyed with the idea briefly that they may not have even met at this stage but I felt that the dynamic couldn't be explored if they hadn't already met. So, scrapped that idea pretty quickly.
In a way, I think that it was written again in this episodic style. Whereby, the ellipsis in time is 'natural'. I'll try to explore that further. It may also be based on the fact that I considered writing it in short bursts. Perhaps knowing that my intention was to post it to Instagram. Potentially how this would 'read' and be 'read'. Perhaps naively I wanted it to almost appear 'real time'. For this to make sense. I guess you will have to read it. But the first 'burst' I wrote with the concept of a guy taking a break from work/training or the equivalent. I didn't think it was needed to go into any detail about his occupation. That would detract from the dialogue. The whole thing too is based purely on dialogue. I didn't want any description. I wanted the characters to articulate exactly what was going on or certainly more their thoughts. That was fun in itself. I was worried that it would be almost restrictive. Which it was at first, but I soon got used to it. I just had to rely on the characters themselves describing what was taking place. To labour a point, because I knew where it was being posted I knew that it couldn't be overly long per page or per post. So, tried to fit the 'bulk' of the story/dialogue into each post. It required a lot of editing. I had so much more dialogue that was unnecessary. So I cut loads out to shape it and keep the pace. I wanted it also to continue and be captivating. I hope that worked. So enticed or provided a subtle cliff hanger after each post or what would become a post. So the story would continue into the next.
Anyway, I like adding a lot of detail. Which is why I included the music references. I think it helped build on their personalities. Also, I deliberately did not expose their genders until later on. I was hoping that from the early slides that it would ultimately remain a mystery as to who was male and who was female. In fact, whether or not they were heterosexual at all. They were, this story was male and female, through ease I suppose. It fit into the story and the other characters introduction.
It was a case, really of just writing and things sort of fell into place. I didn't really 'think' about it. I let them build it. I know that may sound lame or predictable. It is true though. I'm not necessarily consciously aware that 'I'm' doing the thinking. I must be! I am though more reliant on the characters talking and they truly do build the story. My only intervention is along the lines of 'No! He wouldn't say that." or "Why would she like Kosheen?" It's then justifying that to me and again floating along on their dynamic. My only advise would be to begin writing and you'll be surprised where it goes.
I may have had said this several times before but I love writing. It's what I want to do and it's what I do. Every free piece of time I have. I write. I am not distracting myself again unnecessarily. I am completely focused on my novel. What I will say though is that I sometimes I as I mentioned have this overwhelming feeling to fill a blank page and it isn't related to the novel. My justification for it is.... Is that I'm still writing and I'm making use of different styles, different techniques and building new characters and stories. It's not as if I'm watching 'Joe Rogan' or 'Jurassic Park' on video. Both of which I do seem to find time for. Perhaps I could cut that out and give myself a couple more hours to write. I do need some 'down time'. Don't judge me too hard people. It is though what you put into it.
The novel is going very well. Still at the bar. At the moment, this is the only point where I'm self editing more. I have thus far written and let it out. I am though here, writing but deleting a lot. I'm not sure what that means. I am invested in this scene and it needs to be included. I think the interaction with Dylan and the other characters is forced because he's getting drunk but I want his speech to be just that 'drunk' out of character. More socially accepted and more extroverted. I want his inhibitions to be gone. That's where I'm having to go in my mind to transfer it to him. That isn't to say that I'm having to be drunk when writing but I am having to explore those possibilities and build upon his slurred interpretation of the world and situation.
I hope that may give some insight into the process I have followed and maybe it'll help.
Until Next Time...
Do Good Things
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