VHS, Vinyl - The Complete Stone Roses - Use All The Tools You Can...
One thing that is truly helping me stay focused is almost reverting my mind back to all the inspirations, thoughts and feelings I experienced whilst I was away. As I've mentioned this novel is based on experiences some 15 plus years ago. I've had to remember exactly how I felt at the time. I'm completely aware that I was and still remain a massive fan of The Stone Roses which I may have mentioned a number of times before.
At the time, back in 2004. Well in fact, even before that. I'm talking back in secondary school so from about 1994 - 1999. I had nothing other than The Stone Roses and Helter Skelter tapes playing on my cassette player. The Stone Roses tape I think was the Sally Cinnamon single and the Helter Skelter tapes would have been the New Years Eve tapes by Billy Bunter and DJ Supreme. Billy Bunter being my favourite tape of the two. There was a set of 12 but they were by far the best in my humble musical opinion.
So, when I left the UK. I took about five CDs with me. One of those CDs was 'The Complete Stone Roses'. It is hard to describe just what that album meant to me at the time. It represented safety, familiarity and a soothing escape. I honestly love this album. I don't use the word 'love' loosely and it really is a love for the music. It's so good. This isn't a record review. Don't worry. I do recall the feeling of complete satisfaction when the intro of 'So Young' kicks in. It's the first track, it's an early track and has this really raw 'tinny' sound to it. It has remnants of punk to it. The album just gets better and better from that point on.
I've been and bought the vinyl to rekindle all those feelings. I think the vinyl does help. It is romantic and it's allowing me to write and 'feel' everything again. It's almost tangible. At times, it creates a sense of sadness in me. As I realised just how young I was. How young and naive we all were. At the same time thankful for how I've aged and matured. Life is funny. The past I hope allows us to better understand ourselves and shape who we wanna be.
I think with the help of Ian Brown, John Squire, Reni & Mani I will be able to put more heart into 'The Barrel Bar' chapter. I'm not that worried it's taking me as long as it is. Like I alluded to yesterday, it still amazes me and things grow. Right before your very eyes. Fingertips dance and all of a sudden what was the intention to include several descriptions and character dialogues turns into a whole chapter of drama. Really happy with it and how it's developing. I did think that I must be half way through the entire novel at this point. Although, I'm not that sure. There is so much more I want to include and with that inclusion whose to say that won't turn into more words and the whole world will be shaped without my direct conscious interaction.
Whether it be the sound of old vinyl, the smell of 'The Terminator' on VHS ( the 1988 version still smells like birthday parties at my friends house - surreptitiously putting it in the VCR when his parents were asleep ). Whatever it takes to build upon a story or even take you back to a feel that will provide ample material for another twenty pages. Do what you have to do and use what you have to use.
Whatever it is...
Until Next Time...
Do Good Things
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