Why Do I Clench My Left Fist When I Eat Chicken?

That is a question that I cannot answer. I can always speculate and assume it's some form of comfort. I honestly have no real idea. I do though catch or notice myself doing this.
In fact, is it safe to say this only occurs whilst eating Chicken? Another question that I may not at this stage be able to answer.

You on the other hand could potentially answer a large number of questions. 

Don't worry, don't freak out. They are pertinent to writing. 

Ultimately, I am interested to understand which genres of writing or books you are directly drawn to? Will a front cover simply be enough. What if you don't have the luxury of a front cover?
Do you have any idea why you continue to grab for fantasy fiction, or is it about crime? I'd be deeply intrigued to hear your thoughts. 

Is a story still a story despite the platform it is posted to. Does wattpad favour teen fiction? Is Instagram ideal for long winded, drawn out iterations of thought? Are you happy to be inundated with warm quips on twitter as opposed to snapchat?

What platform do you frequent to dampen your literary taste buds. Is medium a place you'd trust for more authoritative, thought provoking  wordings?

Quora for opinion? 

A blog for familiarity?

When it comes to reading. What works for you?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and hopefully engage.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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