Would A Time Table Help?
I'm not necessarily convinced a strict timetable is needed to motivate or allow you to follow a writing pattern. As soon as you get into the habit, it will become more natural. It may get too restrictive or even potentially unattainable if, for example you set the time of 6PM everyday, for 1 hour. Too quickly you would then get round to writing at 6.25PM and then only have 35 minutes. This is assuming you have a tight time schedule. Considering working hours, commute etc. For me, it doesn't matter what the time is daily, I will write for certainly 1 whole hour. Depending on other commitments and interruptions. I will more often than not run well over this. It can often be closer to two hours or more. I try not to ever ' hard stop' a good session. It's important to sleep too. More important in my mind is not spoiling the flow.
As soon as any writing becomes stagnant. I never get rid of it or scrap it. Instead, I come back to it. Particularly within this novel. If a chapter is dragging. What I mean by that is, if it's dragging for me to even write it then I try to skip through that and then go back over it again in the re-write. It may be a case that it's removed all together. At the end of the day and round and again. You're in control of the writing and the world you're creating. If you want a central character to only eat the hind foot of a copper bottom race horse then that's what shalt happen in this wonderful world you've imagined. If half way through the narrative an elevator shaft travels back in time and the only way to return home is to sing tracks 1 to 5 of Coldplay's 'A Rush Of Blood To The Head' then that's the reality you've made your own. Be confident with it and watch it blossom.
Know within yourself that passion is enough to continue. Know it, own it and write it.
I wish you all the very best in the words and worlds that are yours. Much love and encouragement to you. I am talking to you. I thank you for your discovery and continued reading.
If this is the last one before Christmas. Mwah!
Until Next Time...
Do Good Things.
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