Hitting A Lag, Feeling The Drag - Keep On Writing

I wouldn't describe it as hitting a wall, it's not that drastic. I titled it 'lag' as it may go some way to describe often how lost you can feel or how I can certainly feel when thinking about the expansion of your story. It can lay out baron and boundless expanse, filling you with fear and dread, questions and ponders. How on earth, will I fill this emptiness?
Then, like I've suggested before - when reality shunts you. Frustration doth cometh.
It's more of reality coming along like Jo Brand and bellowing at me with distractions of life and subsequent living. "Have this bit of warming distraction and now focus, I dare ya. I dare ya!" she says with titillated venom.

I've needed to sit down. Silent. Alone and distinctly focused on words and narrative. I have been making notes a plenty, using notepad..... other text editors are available, obviously! Not only by computer but age old paper and pen. The points of interest, sparks of memories, splashings of imagination and throwing them into the mix and awaiting what's created.
I'm sitting down and referring back to these very notes all the time.
I think it's important to be authentic and true. Ultimately, that's one of the main reasons I decided to step back from updating this blog each and every day and instead only do so when I have something pertinent to share or to merely vent myself. It is like a diary, or that's how I consider it. Documenting my journey. I try my best to make sure it isn't too self absorbed and instead include as much detail as I can in order to help others. That isn't because I don't believe its importance but because as I've said previously I don't want it to appear that I'm making my updates up, for want of a better phrase or 'fronting'. My progress is slowly, admittedly. It's considered. It's however long it has to take. That in itself can become frustrating even for me. You get consumed by life and those Jo Brand elements of reality. It is hard not to consider other stories. Go off on little creative tangents. It is and it remains oh so very important to not allow that slight thought to get in the way of the goal. It's vital to have a goal. A plan. A path you're taking and stick to it. You can deviate sure, as long as you maintain your endgame. Before I can move on, write other stories to the point of getting equally as absorbed as I am in this one. I have to finish. 

I read a short story just the other day from a creative writing tutor who had entered and subsequently won this particular competition. I thought it was good. I was entertained. I continued reading until it's conclusion. I often find though that with competition short stories. Firstly, the writer rushes based on word count. Notwithstanding, they also use predictable and convoluted description. Sometimes, I find it distracts me from the tone. I hope that isn't jealousy talking. I'm sure it isn't. Then again, what do I know?
So, although inspired and inspiration comes from all directions. I have found whilst documenting this process. My process of writing this novel. That, in itself this blog or diary began to take over my capacity in terms of time to actually then, sit down and complete what I've done or what I need to do. I mean with regard to the act of writing. It's more about the fact that I can't feel guilty. I mean I can, but I would much rather complete what I've aimed to do every day as opposed to be worrying or thinking on it all evening when it would be so much more productivity and easier to literally just finish that last sentence or add to that last chapter.

I'm almost looking forward to the re-write. I can't wait. I swear the story will change but with that change I also think it will allow me to provide depth and deeper characterisation.

I've been doing my best to remove any specific locations that could identify the camp. As I said, this is a work of fiction. I have though once again gone over some of the photos that I had. I think the most interesting thing to do is really not only make use of my own memory but then make use of Dylan's eyes. See my experience through him and change actions, reactions and behaviours to
any such situations I can imagine and have him react in his own way. I have at least that luxury. 

I'll get this published. I know I will. I'm too committed. It's too important now. 

My only and everlasting advice is write, continue to write and write some more.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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