"Stay Away From That Trap Door!"
I've continued to write. I write daily. I haven't updated this blog in a while because as I suggested
previously I don't want this or my words contained herein to suggest that I was 'playing' or 'living a lie'.
I did not want my words to sound or appear boastful. Moreover, I simply wanted to document where I was within writing this novel.
Furthermore, hopefully, if at all possible provide suggestions, guidance or give some value to others
who perhaps were embarking on writing their first novel, poem, prose, article or whatever.
I don't attest to be an authoritative voice in any shape or form. I only know my intentions and I hope they might go some way to inspire.
My word count continues to increase. As I've alluded to previously. At this stage I am merely working on the first draft. I
suppose the real content, tone and personality of the story based on
the central character Dylan will become more apparent within the
It worries me slightly how long this version or at least the first draft is taking.
Again, no excuse but working full time and traveling is obviously a necessity but it truly does restrict the output I can achieve on a daily basis. I am at present not working to a daily target. Instead I write and then stop when the flow diminishes.
I may look again at setting a target. Even if it means 500 words a day. That way I can achieve
a hefty bulk of words within around two months.
My only real concern then is, I fear that the quality will be affected. Only time will tell on this.
isn't a case of rushing. I think I may have said that many times
over and I don't have a deadline. The only obligation I have is to
create and to write my story.
I'm getting there slowly but surely.
There have been events within my personal life that has directly inspired further works. Almost stressful events.I'm excited about that project but although I have made notes, character names and basic premise of the story. I will not begin to consider the possibility to write that until I have finished this novel.
I have begun also to limit the poems/words I post to Instagram and other sites. I don't want
to appear as simply masquerading as a writer. I want to write something of substance. That
isn't to say that people who contribute to such sites are only 'acting' I merely mean that
need to avoid the distraction and focus on this. Perhaps then I can
begin to entertain writing smaller snippets of stories for such platforms.
It's easy to divert yourself from your endgame. Watch that little trap.
Until Next Time...
Do Good Things
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