Now It's Finished - Desperately Seeking Something...

Just when you think it's over, they bring you two more seasons of Cobra Kai. 

So, although the book may be finished. The work continues.... I call it work, it's not work. We've been over all that before. Passion, necessity...whatever you want to brand it. The typing has arguably stopped on the now finished novel, the work of trying to distribute it to suitable literary agents is troublesome and long. It's a whole heap of rules to follow, it almost takes the romanticism out of it. I say that now; if it's published, I'll be happy and grateful. Until then, I'm struggling and depressed!

You see, the arrogant expression of genres in a covering letter, character traits peppered throughout a loose synopsis, the habit of bravely hitting submit of 10,000 words or three chapters, which ever wins. I question: 'How much is enough to reveal, in order to entice without giving the game away?' Is it not possible to let the words speak for themselves? It probably is, apparently this thing called publishing is a business. 

I might consider my work to be a part of me, two years of consistency, chugging away, typing, deleting, shifting and tabbing. The fact is, no one cares. The sacrifices are irrelevant to others (although time is my only real sacrifice, let's not get Douglas Sirk about this!) any time is not lost is not experienced. People have their own lives. The whole process of getting people to care, even if it's just a little bit or care enough to at least take the time to read any words; you or I, or anyone writes, is the thing that matters. Having said that; I'm just as bad as the industry, because I want to be comfortable enough to be able to write. That takes the 'scrilla'. I want to be respected; I want to be known. Not just known for being knowns sake. To have ten people really feel my words bubbling inside their heads would be 'known' enough. 

I'm so intrigued by those people who just do what they want to do, they create using whatever they have at their disposal and put it out there. Bill Hicks, GG Allin, Chuck Palahniuk, Killer Mike and Kerry Katona. Alright, perhaps not the last one but if she's happy; Beautiful South it - 'Carry on Regardless'!

Writing for me, seems to be just like an episode of Prison Break, when it's over you start another one. Having my hopes resting on 'Flagpole' to be published is secondary now. I'm 45 pages into the next one. I don't have a title as yet but it's a loose sequel, rough carry on from the first. Although, they're standalone. Consider it a View Askew type of world, only without all the 'snoogans'. More adjectives, utterances of words like valetudinarian and coquettish smirks. 

I'll just keep writing, one story will be worth reading.

It's hard not to fall into that trap of; well I've finished. That's it. Done! It is done, but it's not served with a garnish. Doth one deserve a Malbec?

I've learnt words and their order are neverending, perpetual. You have to build or create something, otherwise you're just waiting for others to die in order to live more comfortably.

Until Next Time

Do Good Things.


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