My Proclivity For Writing Is Unassailable And I Shan't Provide Apology

Good Evening!

Through my engagement with like minded people. Which by the way is wonderful, inspiring and truly motivational. I'm reviewing both 'medium' and 'Quora'. They both appear to be useful platforms for writing and sharing. I want to get involved more in the community. That can only be a positive thing.
The people around you have interesting lives, colourful stories and lush personalities. I'm guilty of this but try to make more time. It's surprising just how much you can dissect from people. Most people give so much. It can be a fabulous source of inspiration. Just listen!

In terms of the inner most workings and progression of this novel. My baby, if you will. It is slow. I have to be honest and almost realistic. It is going to take time. Often I feel guilty about writing this blog as it arguably appears to have relatively little or no specific detail as to the narrative. I think it's more the fact, at this stage I remain truly protective. In my head that explains and even justifies it. When I'm in the midst of seeking publishing or whatever process this takes. I will document that part too. This is the creative stage. My worry is by exposing too much, I may reveal far too much out of context. I mean, I don't even discuss all that much, the intricacies with my wife. I want her to be surprised too. The whole process will be clearly punctuated. Not only on paper but also in my head. The only thing then, will be. I will start out on the next story.

My proclivity for writing is unassailable and I shan't provide apology. I've become a massive fan of 'shan't' because of Emily Blunt in the Devil Wears Prada.

Moreover, I have to realise, it is not correct to say 'sorry' to someone when you get in their way or attempt to enter a doorway at the exact same time. Please don't get me wrong, I'm polite. I find too often that in that situation I am the first to articulate and my choice of word is 'sorry'. I';m not sad. I'm not grief stricken and I certainly am not penitent. I'm equal to the other. From this moment on I will adjust my speech and will be the first to fill the silence with 'Excuse me'. More often than not either the other person is not as affected as me or simply doesn't care as much.

It is these nuances that build characters. At the moment I'm working toward a dramatic scene. I know how Dylan will react. I'm just trying to build to it. There is a pace thing. The scene before hand is providing distraction or slowing it down. I may have to cut it short. We'll see, again perhaps being too impatient. I know what I'm working. When I come to read it, it may surprise even me.

Gonna keep working. Gotta keep moving it on.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things.


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