Slide Show

So, on Friday. This is truly an example of not even conciously thinking of writing anything other than my novel. Instead though, I explored a thought, that became a distraction, that then turned into a story.

I wrote it, read it like 50 times. Developed it. Thought of the characters and well that was that.

I decided to post it on a little known site of  Instagram 

It runs to about 30 slides, I have included 3 below for tasting like a Christmas Cookie.

The story was written with a slide show, almost episodic feel to it. I intended it, though to be read in order. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Well, writing is writing. Honestly, I don't know where it came from. What inspired it. It started out as an empty page and then the rest is well history.

If you have some time or are even interested do take a look. Have a read. I was happy with it.

I'd embrace any of your thoughts.

Until Next Time...

Do Good Things


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