
Showing posts from January, 2019

Hitting A Lag, Feeling The Drag - Keep On Writing

I wouldn't describe it as hitting a wall, it's not that drastic. I titled it 'lag' as it may go some way to describe often how lost you can feel or how I can certainly feel when thinking about the expansion of your story. It can lay out baron and boundless expanse, filling you with fear and dread, questions and ponders. How on earth, will I fill this emptiness?   Then, like I've suggested before - when reality shunts you. Frustration doth cometh.   It's more of reality coming along like Jo Brand and bellowing at me with distractions of life and subsequent living. "Have this bit of warming distraction and now focus, I dare ya. I dare ya!" she says with titillated venom. I've needed to sit down. Silent. Alone and distinctly focused on words and narrative. I have been making notes a plenty, using notepad..... other text editors are available, obviously! Not only by computer but age old paper and pen. The points of interest, sparks of m...

"Stay Away From That Trap Door!"

I've continued to write. I write daily. I haven't updated this blog in a while because as I suggested  previously I don't want this or my words contained herein to suggest that I was 'playing' or 'living a lie'.  I did not want my words to sound or appear boastful. Moreover, I simply wanted to document where I was within writing this novel. Furthermore, hopefully, if at all possible provide suggestions, guidance or give some value to others who perhaps were embarking on writing their first novel, poem, prose, article or whatever. I don't attest to be an authoritative voice in any shape or form. I only know my intentions and I hope they might go some way to inspire. My word count continues to increase. As I've alluded to previously. At this stage I am merely working on the first draft. I suppose the real content, tone and personality of the story based on the central character Dylan will become more apparent within the rewrite. ...

The Evil Of Procrastination...

Merry New Year! As much as I enjoyed the festive season. I'm not overly ecstatic with the suggestion or immediate life changing events predicated by people looking to change their lives at midnight. I always consider it far too unrealistic and like a fading cartoon. Favoured by many, but lost in nostalgia. If the assumption is; new goals can be set and achieved with the mere changing of numbers, then surely this same feat can be achieved at anytime? Seems all a bit too Roald Dahl for me. 'Any road' For even me, especially over Christmas, procrastination comes in many forms. Thinking about documenting it. That thought itself. Much in the fashion I am now I suppose. I am, therefore guilty of it myself, otherwise I wouldn't be indulging in this distraction. A pretty and prime manifestation of procrastination. It's even a long enough and fun word to say aloud several times providing just enough delay in its mere That's ...