The difficult

 Autumn in Georgetown

With the fun I experienced completing the first book. I guess you could say I've got the bug. The writing bug that is. I suppose that's why I've been relatively quiet in documentating what I've been doing. I'm never convinced what I write is of any benefit to anyone. I really haven't got that big an ego. It's more for me to be able to look back and see progression and improvement. 

"It's a process of continual growth." 

With the self-publication of the first novel 'Flagpole'. It still annoys me just how long that took to complete. Best part of four years. It probably didn't help that I was pursuing the 'traditional' route to publication. Having to wait for responses, trying to be patient. For me, it distracted my focus from actually just writing. I'd become consumed with waiting, putting my own fate in the hands of strangers with an inbox.

"I'm not going down like that!"

It's more about taking control and responsibility for what you create. I'm pretty proud of what I've managed to do so far and I'll keep going. It's up to the world to catchup. Even if it's a small audience. I kowtow to your time and appreciate you reading. I can say I enjoyed every element of this book. I've mentioned a number of times before that 'Flagpole' went from approximately 190K words to just above 100K. It is a long book. I had fun writing it in the first person but it leads to rabbit hole introspection. I think with this second. Third person has been even more fun and it's allowed me not to fall face down, rabbling. Of course, I'm not saying 'Flagpole' rambles but including Dylan's observations and obsessions may have been exhausting. I didn't experience that whilst reading it again but 'Autumn in Georgetown' feels more episodic and faster. It flows.

"What would you do if you were omnipotent?" 

"Probably kill myself!"

For 'Autumn in Georgetown' third person, allowed me to introduce more characters and tell their story. They started to come alive, they couldn't be ignored. I wanted both books to exist in the same 'world'. That's why there is that cross-over between the two. Namely, reoccuring characters like Dylan, Hazel and Lacey. But then the introduction of new ones too. You don't need to have read 'Flagpole' to enjoy 'Autumn in Georgetown'. Well, that's the hope anyway. 

    The story began as a song, titled the same. You can hear below if you wish. I wrote it a few years back on several scraps of paper. Those pieces of paper were then written up into 'nicer' pads. That nicer pad was filled, then they were transposed into a bigger 'nicer' pad and then if inspiration doth strike I'd put those nicer hand written words to music, add some strum strum chords, sing aloud, coughed and recorded in Reason, whatever iteration it was; probably 8. Think we're on 11 now. The result being my very own love letter song to Georgetown. 

*I've never claimed to be a good singer. It was just something I enjoyed.

Anyway, if you desire to stream that song via Amazon music or Spotify. Please do. I will get 0.04 pence everytime it's played. I'll be rubbing my hands together soon and writing full time at this rate. Notice how I didn't add a link there. See, proof my ego remains egg shaped.

I digress....I revisited the story again almost daily in my head. After hitting setup and going through the many steps of uploading via KDP with 'Flagpole'. I threw myself head first and balls deep into writing this, my second difficult book. Now, if you don't understand the reference. Without appearing condescending that's what critics always say of a bands second album. Just so we're all on the same page.

"I smell it, baby!"

Consistently committing daily to early mornings, two hours at a time. As many hours in the evenings. 'Autumn in Georgetown' took shape. Then came with the editing, the formatting. The many reads. The first front cover which was grey and ambiguous. I changed that up. Adding some text. Still didn't like it! Went with a matt front cover instead of the glossy. The glossy kind of made it look cheap. 'Flagpole' is still available in Glossy but still to me, looks vibrant. Possibly because of the colours of the flag. I can always change it up. That's another reason for self-publishing. I control the cover art. I can make use of someone else or I can truly do it myself. I love the independence of indie writing. It truly does set you free. 

I felt it was too grey/gray!

"Power to the PEOPLE."

As the title suggests it is based in Georgetown, along with Virginia and other locations in and around DC. The book is based on September 11th 2001. Documentating Dylan's experiences of the day. Caught up in his own drama. 

I wrote it using American English. As above, I had to consciously change my spelling from; for example grey and gray and refer to trainers as sneakers and sidewalks for pavements. That was fun too. It should make sense by the end of the book. As it isn't, unlike 'Flagpole' written from an English perspective. Maybe I've said too much, but ah well.

All of the images shared and created as 'marketing' material are all owned by me. All I will say is...I was there on September 11th, in Virginia. 'Autumn in Georgetown' remains a work of fiction.

If you're wondering why then Autumn instead of 'Fall'. If any of the above considerations for writing the book, making use of American English were true. The title then is the biggest Alanis Morrissette single. That maybe true, but it's OK. You can stop your palpitations. 'Fall in Georgetown' doesn't quite have the same ring to it as 'Autumn in Georgetown'. Plus, I wrote it and I can do what I like. Oh! There goes my ego again!

Sharing some snip snips of the books contents:


The EXORCIST house, 2001

Prospect Street


As you can see, the chapters include mentions of The Exorcist. You can't go to Georgetown and not visit it. It plays a part in 'Autumn in Georgetown' and rightly so.

Footage is my own

I hope you enjoy this book. If it raises questions, that's good too. 


AVAILABLE from the rainforest amazon

9/11 2021

Until next time...

Do Good Things!


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