
Showing posts from December, 2018

Would A Time Table Help?

I'm not necessarily convinced a strict timetable is needed to motivate or allow you to follow a writing pattern. As soon as you get into the habit, it will become more natural. It may get too restrictive or even potentially unattainable if, for example you set the time of 6PM everyday, for 1 hour. Too quickly you would then get round to writing at 6.25PM and then only have 35 minutes. This is assuming you have a tight time schedule. Considering working hours, commute etc. For me, it doesn't matter what the time is daily, I will write for certainly 1 whole hour. Depending on other commitments and interruptions. I will more often than not run well over this. It can often be closer to two hours or more. I try not to ever ' hard stop' a good session. It's important to sleep too. More important in my mind is not spoiling the flow. As soon as any writing becomes stagnant. I never get rid of it or scrap it. Instead, I come back to it. Particularly within this novel. If ...

VHS, Vinyl - The Complete Stone Roses - Use All The Tools You Can...

One thing that is truly helping me stay focused is almost reverting my mind back to all the inspirations, thoughts and feelings I experienced whilst I was away. As I've mentioned this novel is based on experiences some 15 plus years ago. I've had to remember exactly how I felt at the time. I'm completely aware that I was and still remain a massive fan of The Stone Roses which I may have mentioned a number of times before. At the time, back in 2004. Well in fact, even before that. I'm talking back in secondary school so from about 1994 - 1999. I had nothing other than The Stone Roses and Helter Skelter tapes playing on my cassette player. The Stone Roses tape I think was the Sally Cinnamon single and the Helter Skelter tapes would have been the New Years Eve tapes by Billy Bunter and DJ Supreme. Billy Bunter being my favourite tape of the two. There was a set of 12 but they were by far the best in my humble musical opinion. So, when I left the UK. I took about five ...

I Need To Be Assertive, Although I Don't Care Enough...

'Tis the seasn full of distractions. Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laaaaaah! It can really be tough at the moment. Time seems to melt away. I sit down with the best of intentions to get upward of 1,000 words completed. Sometimes it comes with the thunder. Other times, it can take pages and pages until I feel the force. When it comes. I begrudge the distractions of the festive season. I know though how important the festive season is. Or how sentimental it can become. I know how or even appreciate how important time off is. I probably won't write Christmas day. Well, not formally anyway. I won't sit down with that intention. I'll continue the story in my head. It's hard not to. I continue to fall upon writing prompts. I don't mean literally. I mean I keep seeing writing competitions. I would love to get involved. Not because I love to win or think I can win or anything of the sort. Just because it's another focused excuse to write. At the moment I am resisting. I rea...

Why Do I Clench My Left Fist When I Eat Chicken?

That is a question that I cannot answer. I can always speculate and assume it's some form of comfort. I honestly have no real idea. I do though catch or notice myself doing this. In fact, is it safe to say this only occurs whilst eating Chicken? Another question that I may not at this stage be able to answer. You on the other hand could potentially answer a large number of questions.  Don't worry, don't freak out. They are pertinent to writing.  Ultimately, I am interested to understand which genres of writing or books you are directly drawn to? Will a front cover simply be enough. What if you don't have the luxury of a front cover? Do you have any idea why you continue to grab for fantasy fiction, or is it about crime? I'd be deeply intrigued to hear your thoughts.  Is a story still a story despite the platform it is posted to. Does wattpad favour teen fiction? Is Instagram ideal for long winded, drawn out iterations of thought? Are you ...

It Happened Again But Writing Is Writing And Writing Is Good

I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to create a 'slight' story. I, again posted this one to Instagram. I won't include the link. If you're interested at all then there are ways to discover it. As much as I want to share it. At the same time I don't want to be 'pushing' things on people. Like I said, you want to find it - then you will. Anyhoot, I was sitting, after I had finished writing it. I tried to go back over what I was feeling at the time of writing. Where the motivation was, where it was even coming from, if that's possible.  The story certainly isn't autobiographical. None of what I had written ever happened to me. I'm not sure if it ever happened to anyone that I directly know. It's just that, a story. A work of fiction. I began the first line with the idea in mind that it would be someone who was embarking on a relationship. Perhaps I should say, two people.  It's early days for them. I toyed with the idea briefly ...

Slide Show

So, on Friday. This is truly an example of not even conciously thinking of writing anything other than my novel. Instead though, I explored a thought, that became a distraction, that then turned into a story. I wrote it, read it like 50 times. Developed it. Thought of the characters and well that was that. I decided to post it on a little known site of  Instagram  It runs to about 30 slides, I have included 3 below for tasting like a Christmas Cookie. The story was written with a slide show, almost episodic feel to it. I intended it, though to be read in order. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Well, writing is writing. Honestly, I don't know where it came from. What inspired it. It started out as an empty page and then the rest is well history. If you have some time or are even interested do take a look. Have a read. I was happy with it. I'd embrace any of your thoughts. Until Next Time... Do Good Things

The Sound Of Silence And Bill Hicks Prophecy

The day of 'yester' was productive. Beyond belief. Forgive me, I didn't get to 'The Barrel Bar" I was writing obviously. However, more time, detail and description was needed and provided for Dylan. It was exciting and inspiring. After I had distracted myself with a bit of Joe Rogan, placing a listing for A Nightmare Before Christmas 'Jack Skellington' mug on eBay and listening to 'Relentless' by Bill Hicks on CD. Now, although the Bill Hicks distraction may seem unnecessary. Bill Hicks is referenced in this novel. He does play a huge part still in my life, even to this day. I have began to re-purchase his stand up performances on CD. A few years ago I sold most if not all of my physical CDs. A part of me regrets that now. Though, at that time it obviously provided money, freed up space and was the 'right' thing to do at that moment in my life. I did keep my Bill Hicks DVDs but for some reason, placing that CD in the drive of my computer...

More Time Needed For All And Everything....Less Run The Jewels!

Life, its people and our living is puerile. That is in no way a criticism. Moreover, furthermore and hitherto such a statement should not be interpreted or either is it intended to be negative. Remember that life is a playground. We shouldn't take it all too seriously it should be embraced, so too should our individuality. Ultimately, that brings me to the personalities that I've so far created. It's easy to have characters with succinct dialogue. Perhaps with the only reason for inclusion to simply progress personality traits. I love people who 'spice' up language. Friends, colleagues and strangers that create and explore words. Deliberately using incorrect words, make up their own. All these traits I'm trying to include that experience and observation in my characters. Not all, but a few that it works with. I think if everyone did it, it will become far too contrived and unrealistic. It's worth noting, some people are boring. That's important too. I ...

Daily Struggle - Sean Da Paul

It can be tough to maintain the creativity. Perhaps that's incorrect. The creativity is not tough but the implementation of that creative thought can be difficult. As the prophet and title suggests Sean Paul or ' Sean Da Paul' explores all too often ( I include that with an element of sarcasm, as much as I did enjoy Dutty Rock ) life certainly is a 'Daily Struggle'. Full of distractions. The need for prioritization. The Distraction Of A Christmas Tree At this time of year you'll have so many more requests and demands placed upon you. Christmas work parties, family gatherings and wintry inspired evening readings of the next installment of your favourite literary work. None of the above have to or even should be ignored. In fact, it's more than important to indulge yourself,friends, family and significant other. You may just have to sleep less. A small price to pay. It is so so important to continue your creative endeavours. Certainly with writing. ...