Ding Dang! It's Evolved Again!
Right! Yesterday, bad day in terms of creative endeavours. I can't let other peoples insecurities and ego get into my head. I will not now or forever moving forward allow myself to be influenced negatively. This is not necessarily related to my book. More of an experience in 'real' life. Anyway, enough of that prose. Exciting times. I, at least consider it exciting. Through earlier updates of inspiration that has come from many different sides, whether that be from other writers and or Wattpad. The books I'm reading at the moment. I still find it far easier to read from a physical book. That isn't to say I understand the merits of a kindle or other digital forms. It's more of a preference to be able to feel a page between your fingers and smell that wooded aroma of printed words on a page. Anyhoot, I've decided to change the chronology of dates of when the camp experience and that story is now set. I think all of this will become apparent as it develops...