
Showing posts from September, 2018

Ding Dang! It's Evolved Again!

Right! Yesterday, bad day in terms of creative endeavours. I can't let other peoples insecurities and ego get into my head. I will not now or forever moving forward allow myself to be influenced negatively. This is not necessarily related to my book. More of an experience in 'real' life. Anyway, enough of that prose. Exciting times. I, at least consider it exciting. Through earlier updates of inspiration that has come from many different sides, whether that be from other writers and or Wattpad. The books I'm reading at the moment. I still find it far easier to read from a physical book. That isn't to say I understand the merits of a kindle or other digital forms. It's more of a preference to be able to feel a page between your fingers and smell that wooded aroma of printed words on a page. Anyhoot, I've decided to change the chronology of dates of when the camp experience and that story is now set. I think all of this will become apparent as it develops...

No more songs!

Between starting and making notes about other book ideas. I do write poetry. I continue to write songs. It's never ending to be perfectly honest. The only thing is, when I look to my right even as I type now. I've got notes and lines of words written joke ( I've reached over to retrieve one of these pieces of paper ) It's written on a branded M&M pad. The next is a post it note. Having read it. I don't know why I've kept it. They don't make sense but I must have intended to do something with it. So, one says;  'Help me understand your imperfections. I can see right through your sunny disposition. You go back home to an empty bed. Although, it's shared through body heat. You long for someone new to meet.' Seriously, no idea what half of this stuff is... ' Don't go denying your booty call. I've heard it said all before. You've known him for years, you can't justify. You hurt me with your words and li...

I do feel lost...

The world is so big but it seems time so short. What in actuality are we all doing here? I keep writing. I keep making notes. I keep on going. All this though is quite lonely. I'm not sure I mean the process. I do generally enjoy the process. I got up again earlier than usual. I really did get a lot achieved. Everything is moving forward or at least moving in the direction I want it to. I still feel that I'm neglecting the story, well not necessarily the story but more the art. I understand this will be a struggle and it's going to be hard work. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. I wouldn't describe myself as a perfectionist but I know what I like in a story. Ultimately, I hope that others find  similar elements enjoyable to read. Life is full of distractions, I'm not unlike anyone else. I think it's more about getting more and more organized. I do need to treat this like a job. The only difference being this is something I love to do so in that respe...

Early Bird And All That Shenanigans!

Based on the fact that I felt more than inspired yesterday and things were flowing ever so much without little intervention required from my conscious mind. I decided I would extend the number of hours I appointed to writing. So, in true motivated fashion I got up a whole one hour earlier this morning and got down to some dirty business of writing. I did have to ply my lips with some black Coffee. Not that I’m addicted and not to even suggest that I can’t function without said beverage. But, it was nice to partake in such a glory filled moment of thought provoking words and expression. I think I’ll have to make this a habit. It wasn’t all that difficult to be honest. I find it more difficult to get up early and go to the gym. I seem to lack real energy in the morrow morn to adequately make the most of a gym session. Writing on the other hand was not only doable, but enjoyable and I would say more than sustainable. I’ll update you as to whether I managed it tomorrow. It wa...

It's about Camp!

I've got to the point now that I'm happy to share the setting. It's based on a Children's Summer Camp in America. Set in the rolling hills of New York State. I've decided to share this now; as at the moment Wattpad have a competition. I call it a competition but I consider most of Wattpad's 'competitions' - inverted commas! As mere inspiration. I think it's amazing how simple title or tasks set by the sites administrators or whomever makes the decisions is enough to allow people/aspiring writers to keep up the creativity. In between my own writing. I love to read what everyone else is writing. The styles in use. Wattpad is a great place for that. I'm trying to be part of the community but as yet I'm trying to write more and more of my own story so with time in mind. I'll get to interaction at some point. I try to be encouraging. Apologies, I'm going off on a tangent again. So, this wattpad writing task is encouraging peopl...

If I Had Breasts, I Could Get Them Out....

I'm not totally convinced that's the best or most creative way to build an audience. Would it though provide me with a means to encourage people to follow me? Are followers on any social media platform all that important? Is it not a case that the work should speak for itself? I think ultimately it should. But, at the same time. If no one knows that the work, whether that be a song, poem or this novel exists. Then, other than my own end game, what would be the point in writing it if it means that no one is likely to read it? A few years back and we'll probably talking around 18 years ago. I had a very trivial conversation with someone I used to work with. This was a fleeting job within retail. I had a colleague/friend who considered himself, like I did a film buff. He too said he liked to write screenplays. At the time, I said I had written a few scripts but I was far too scared or concerned that no-one would appreciate my words. Put simply and he mentioned it in jest ...

Too Many Cooks........Potentially!?!

It's all about waking up in cold sweats at the moment. Not literally but I did have a productive day yesterday. Added some juicy bits that I hope to develop. I remain constantly in the world I've created and stuck on the thoughts of what to add. I do have this sense of frustration too. I'm overcoming that though as it is more impatience than anything. Like I keep saying, I'm not rushing any of this in order to complete it. I would honestly say I'm not even a quarter way through yet. Then, I'll be going back over it. I may then decide who gets to read it. I think it can't at this point be people that close to me. I think their opinion will be biased also it'll potentially skew my sense of 'self' and really affect the intended or original story. That is certainly not something I want. As I've said before, I don't want any censoring and what one person may find offensive another may not etc etc. Too Many Zoos. I obviously mean cooks! ...

New Words, All The Time.... New Words!

I bloody love words. I really do. It's amazing to think that I'm 35 and I still hear and experience new words all the time. I think if I could have a super power I would go with complete knowledge of all the words in the English Language. In fact, if I'm playing that game. I'd probably go with knowledge of all the words in all languages. Plus maybe the power of flight for fun. That's not that greedy! Imagine it though, the endless possibilities of discovery. No joke. I heard the word 'Simpatico' used for the first time. I had no idea what that meant. I'm not one of those people who are far too proud to query what a word means. Moreover, I am the type of person to look a word up. If you already know the word, cool but I didn't. It's like with anything you had to have learnt it at some point too. A new word for me is almost like watching 'The Sixth Sense' for the first time. It's that excitement, the sinking feeling and the elation. L...

Pop Culture References..."That's Hot!"

It's amazing just how vividly I can remember a lot of the references that were seemingly fleeting and insignificant at the time, back in 2003. I remember the mentioning of 'Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix'. The book I mean. That was a big deal! Given the location, it was a huge deal. So too, was conversations about the first and second 'Harry Potter' films being released. Paris Hilton was being mentioned by so many people too. Well not necessarily her but the phrases she would use. The story is based over the Summer of 2003. There were a lot of American voices, mainly females using "That's Hot!" all over the place. The song that was constantly played through personal CD players was 'Eminem' - Lose Yourself. These were just some of the things that I can really remember so clearly. The topic of conversations would be based around where people were from initially. Then it would move on to an almost separation between English folk...

Yup, It's Bloody Registered!

Having looked into it. The title that I had my heart set on is in fact 'Registered'! Can't use it.  Section 10(3) Trade Marks Act Where an unauthorized third party uses an identical or similar trade mark on goods or services which are not similar, benefiting from the Registered trade mark’s existing UK or EU reputation and gaining an unfair advantage; and operating to the detriment of the registered trade mark’s character. I’m assuming the above would directly affect my current title. This is a challenge. I’ll have to now come up with another title. It’s disappointing to say the least. But, clearly it wasn’t meant to be. I will have to be more creative in the title I now make use of. I won’t change it yet. I will think about it. I guess the original title was one that is recognizable and this would ultimately be beneficial to me, just as it may be a negative for the brand. Although, it remains a work of fiction. I guess it won’t be a massive selling p...